SugarCRM WordPress Integration | ConstructionDiretcory

SugarCRM WordPress Integration | ConstructionDiretcory


This project has been made for a construction directory and financing company. Client approached us with requirements of SugarCRM WordPress integration which will take care leads generation to membership management. We suggested client to use WordPress platform as this suit perfectly for the features he wanted and budget for the project as well. The special requirement was making a custom member section with SugarCRM integrated into as a CRM software.

WordPress framework was chosen so that we can use native sign up and login features. Then we extended this basic feature to build a complete membership system which would talk to SugarCRM API to use the full features of CRM software. We also used WooCommerce shopping platform to use it as a order system for membership signup and renewals.

SugarCRM WordPress Integration

We used SugarCRM API extensively in this project to store all customer data including all documents uploaded by the customers. Our client wanted to use SugarCRM for CRM purpose as this is very robust and time tested CRM software. This also allows client to change the frontend as per need without much worry about the data as everything is stored in SugarCRM. In SugarCRM we used different criteria to sort leads for different providers. SugarCRM is made to fire emails to provider when a lead found as per given matching conditions. SugarCRM has been integrated with WordPress based membership system at all touch points.

Other Features

The site uses a custom theme developed specially for this project.  The entire membership system developed as a plugin to make it extensible.

This project also has membership upgrade or downgrade feature which also posts to SugarCRM API to update customer membership level.

The site also support Google Map integration for address direction purpose.

Several other third party plugins has been used in this project after careful selection of features and coding standards. Appropriate security measures has been taken to minimize any security risk that might arise due to use of third party plugins.

  • Date December 3, 2018
  • Tags Custom Development, Jquery, SugarCRM, Wordpress
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